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To use Fiery Passion to Forge powerful souls that will choose to have the courage to change this world.

To Build technologies, spaces, and experiences that reliably increase human performance and emotion to move people towards achieving their full potential.  

Mads Beier founded the EDIT in 2021 after 6 years of working on a documentary project with the same name about self development and mental health. He wanted to bring the teachings, tools, and mindsets that he had accumulated on his journey to a wider audience.   

Mads is also the co-founder of the production company Burning Boat. His passion for storytelling and cinema is a big inspiration to the unique style of self development that the edit method teaches. 

All of the films mads has been involved with either has producer, editor, and/or director have been created with the intention of sparking global change and impact.  

Mads has worked with some of the biggest names in the industry including documentary legendkip Andersen who is the executive producer on his documentary 'The Edit'.   

Mads has worked closely with and studied some of the self development industries biggest names like Wim Hof, Tony Robbins, and Dean Graziosi to make the programs and experiences offered at the edit effective yet one of a kind.   

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